The story of my life. I can't remember it all. Every once in a while a memory comes to me and wakes me from my slumber. Good, bad, sweet and sour. They're all there and unattainable most of the time. A smell, feeling of deja vu, sound or person can beckon old memories and they flood back. Some just peek in from time to time. I hope that by writing things down, putting them here in black and white, I will have a no fail place, if you will, to come and relive those memories. I was inspired to do this because of Owen. He is just a tiny thing now, but I know that in no time he'll be potty training, getting his driver's license and eventually gracing me with grandchildren. I look back on the time that Evan and Azlynn were his age and can only remember bits and pieces. I want more! And it's never too late. One day, although I can't imagine it now, I will miss these ages of almost-11, 6 and 6 weeks. And so it begins with a pick up somewhere in the middle..the story of my life.
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