Monday, December 13, 2010

A smile

At 7 weeks, 6 days my sweet baby had his first smile yesterday. I think there was a silent competition between my husband and I...who would he smile for/at first? But the little guy is an equal opportunist. He smiled at my voice while his Daddy was holding him. Oh, how he melts my heart. 

Unfortunately, I don't remember how old Evan and Azlynn were when they had their first smile. See? That's exactly why I am blogging even though I'm not crazy about being on the internet. Scary thought, eh. Anyway.

My Evan is really growing up. His wisdom is beyond his years. Just this weekend a friend of his lost his parents by murder-suicide. Immediately Evan texted his friend to see how he was. He amazes me with his compassion and understanding. My firstborn has my heart for sure. 

Azlynn got her hair cut. Off. When I was a little girl I had short hair. My mom always had it bobbed which wasn't flattering for my frame, but easiest on her I suppose. So, I always thought that I would let Azlynn's hair grow. She's had other intentions. Although she says she loves when her hair is long, I think she prefers it short. Bobbed. Just like mine was. Two weeks before the start of her kindergarten year she cut her own bangs. It was one of those jobs where she grabbed her hair just above the root and snipped. After she looked in the mirror she bawled her eyes out. This time though, she let me take her to our own personal hairdresser, my BFF. So, her hair is short. Hm. 

I've ordered most of our Christmas gifts online. Target shipped most of my orders to my old address 15 miles away. It's like 15 degrees outside. I hope they're still there as I have heard the house is vacant. We shall see. I sure can't get my kids out to drive over and see. My stomach is in knots just thinking about it. Conveniently, the things that were mis-delivered are the things I ordered for myself. Which, by the way, makes me think...Do all wives buy their own gifts from their husbands? Some? Any?  Well, I did. And I hope I get them. Dang it.

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